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There are numerous myths about the differences between washing clothes at home and getting them dry-cleaned. But the underlying fact is mostly felt after facing clothing wear and tear, staining and similar other damages while washing clothes at home. For instance, a high quality dress of casual wear with deep stains when washed at home may get worn or affected with color bleeding. Similarly, there are other instances when high quality, expensive clothing get damaged with home washing. So, a lot of people are actually looking for answers of when do they actually need to call for professional dry cleaning and laundry services in Vancouver. Are you one of them? Here is what you need to know to dispel your doubts:

Dry Cleaning Services

Serving Hard Stains With Dry Cleaning

As a general rule or preference, recent stains that cannot be easily removed with home washing are best served with professional dry cleaning. Not only this, they should get dry-cleaned as soon as possible to prevent the stains from spreading over the fabric. The solvents and other top quality cleaners used by professionals will remove the stains as much as possible. Plus, they know and have the experience of dry-cleaning different types of clothing and fabrics. People who prefer to wash clothes at home will only do aggressive rubbing of stained clothing which can damage the fabric. But expert dry cleaners will take great care of your clothing while removing deep stains.

Regular Use of Clothing

Whether you need to get your clothes dry-cleaned or not also depends on how often you use your clothes. For instance, if you have a suit that you use frequently, you may find stains of sweat and collected dirt over its surface earlier in time. Similarly, lingering odors in such suits and dresses needs to be well served by a dry-cleaner to take them back into use.

Look For Tags That Specify How to Clean Clothing

Most of the clothing you buy comes with a tag that specifies the fabric used in it and the best suited cleaning method. Specifically for clothing that has ‘dry clean only’ written over it, it is best not to wash it at home, but call for professional dry cleaning services. There is just no benefit of taking the risk by washing such clothing at home and then regretting the attempt made.

Get all your expensive suits and dresses well served by professionals at LGF Cleaners!

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