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Do you know why rust stains are considered stubborn stains and why they are difficult to remove? It is because rust stains comprise iron oxide that fixed firmly in the fibers of your garment.

Here are some tips that will help you deal with these stubborn and difficult stains. However, before going to remove the stains on your garment by following the tips explained in the blog, check the care label attached to the garment to determine if the dress can be washed at home or not. If the dress is home washable, then try your hands; otherwise, take your stained dress to an expert in laundry services in Vancouver.

Apply Mild Acid

Mild acids like white vinegar or lemon juice can be useful to deal with rust stains. They can cause the stain to go. First, place a paper towel on the surface and then keep the stained area of the garment on that paper towel. Now, spill a few drops of the mild acid on the stains. Then, dab the stains with a white paper towel for several time. If the stain does not go, repeat the process. But, don’t be harsh at the stains; otherwise, the stain can spread. After the stain goes, then wash the garment as usual.

Lemon Juice and Steam

Boil water in a pot and pour that water in a small bucket. Now, put the stained area of the garment on the bucket. Thereafter, squeeze a lemon or two on the stains. Leave the dress on the bucket for a few minutes. Then, wash the stains. If the stains still exist, then repeat the process. Once the stains disappear, wash the garment.

Cream of Tarter

Cream of tarter can also help you remove the rust stain from your garment. Add a few tablespoons cream of tarter to water and boil that water in a pot. Now, soak the garment in the boiled water for twenty to thirty minutes. If the stain disappears, then wash the garment properly.

Apply Rust Remover

Rust remover can also be useful to remove the stains from the fabric. Buy a high-quality rust remover for dresses. Then follow the instructions given on the product.

However, if you don’t want to take a chance and want the stain to go without causing any damage to the fabric, then look for an expert in laundry services in Vancouver. Professionals know how to remove stubborn stains from garments without causing any damage to them.

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